The Flow of the Order

Quda separates the special order process into 4 main steps, indicated by the 4 teal coloured tiles in the centre of the home screen.

New Request
When a patient requests an item that you don’t have stock of, clicking on this tile will prompt you to enter all the necessary information to create a request for a special order.

Once an order is requested, it moves to the Order section – unless you have “Already ordered from supplier ticked”, in which case your order moves straight to the Receive section and skips the Order step.

This section shows you all special orders that have been requested but have not yet been ordered from a supplier.

After the stock required for an order has been marked as ordered, the order moves to the Receive section.

Whoever has the responsibility to oversee ordering for each department (e.g., front-of-shop, dispensary, etc) should work together to ensure this tile is ideally at 0 at the end of each day (i.e., all items have been ordered).

This section shows you all special orders that have had stock ordered for them, but this stock has not yet arrived in the pharmacy.

Whenever any stock arrives in the pharmacy, the person receiving the stock should check here to see if any of the items are for a special order by checking this section.

Once the stock for a special order has been marked as Received, it then shifts to the Collect area (unless the “Finalise order too” box is ticked at the receival screen, in which case the order is immediately archived).

This section shows you all orders that are still in the pharmacy awaiting collection by the people that requested them. When a patient comes in saying they have a special order to pick up, this is where the order will be sitting.

Once an order has been marked as Collected, it is then finalised, removed from the process, and Archived.

When a request is marked as ordered, an estimate of the date on which the stock will arrive at the pharmacy (i.e., “ETA”) must be entered by the user.

If an order is not marked as Received on its designated ETA, the order shifts to the Overdue tile on the following day to prompt investigation and action.

Regardless of the cause of an order being overdue (e.g., stock was put up on a shelf, order was never finalised in supplier portal, item is now out-of-stock, etc), the Overdue tile helps to prominently alert you to when this has happened so you can address the delay and update the patient accordingly.

If you have no orders that are overdue, the Overdue tile is not visible.

Archived Orders
Once an order has been marked as Collected, it is then Archived and is no longer accessible by any of the main tiles on the home screen.

However, you can always enter either the Order Number or Surname (or any of the additional identifiers available in the Advanced Search screen) of any orders (active or Archived) into the Search window on the left of the home screen to bring up any matching orders.

While this allows you to see a complete record of any special orders you’ve finalised in the past, you can also click the Copy Order button to begin creating a New Request using the same information (i.e., patient name, phone number, and item name) as that order if you wish.