Pharmacy Halo Privacy Policy

Part 1: Introduction


Welcome to Pharmacy Halo, a platform designed to assist pharmacies in providing better services to their customers. This Privacy Policy is directed at Pharmacy Users, the individuals who install and utilise the Pharmacy Halo applications. Please take a moment to read and understand how Pharmacy Halo handles personal information collected through our platform. It is important to note that the data we process belongs to the customers of the pharmacies using our services.

Part 2: Collection and Use of Customer Data

Collection of Customer Data

Pharmacy Halo collects and retains personal information about pharmacy customers in a lawful and respectful manner. This information is provided by pharmacies subscribing to the Pharmacy Halo Service. It includes data such as customer names, mobile telephone numbers, and email addresses. It is essential to recognise that this data belongs to the customers of the pharmacies and not to the Pharmacy Users.

Purpose of Data Handling

Pharmacy Halo processes customer data solely for the purpose of enhancing the services provided by the subscribing pharmacies. The collected information is used to:

  • Enable pharmacies to provide better services to their customers.
  • Facilitate the ordering of goods on behalf of customers.
  • Support the use of Pharmacy Halo in appropriate ways.
  • Allow pharmacies to contact their customers regarding service-related matters, such as updates on stock availability.

Consent and Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the pharmacy to obtain proper consent from their customers for the use of the Pharmacy Halo system. Customers must give their consent before their data is entered into the system. If a customer does not provide consent, their data should not be entered into our system by the pharmacy.

Data Retention

Customer data is retained for 3 years. Beyond this point, data is deidentified.

Data Destruction

Data is not destroyed routinely, but Pharmacy Users may request the destruction of data from Pharmacy Halo at anytime.

Part 3: Data Protection, Third-Party Sharing, and User Rights

Data Protection

Customer data is securely stored in a cloud database protected by robust encryption measures. In addition to encryption, we implement international IP address blocking and secure API keys to enhance data security. It’s important to stress that this data remains the property of the customers of the subscribing pharmacies.

Third-Party Sharing

Pharmacy Halo does not share customer data with any third parties. The data is solely used for the benefit of the subscribing pharmacies and their customers.

User Rights

Customers have complete rights over their data and may request data deletion at any time. This request should be directed to the pharmacy, which can then contact Pharmacy Halo to initiate data deletion on behalf of the customer.


We reserve the right to modify the terms of this Privacy Policy. We will make reasonable efforts to notify users of material changes to our Privacy Policy, which may include displaying notifications on our software through which we provide the Pharmacy Halo Service or via email notification. An up-to-date copy of our Privacy Policy is available at: This Privacy Policy was last updated on 18 May 2023.